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Land exercises for animal rehabilitation are an important component of physical therapy for pets, especially for those recovering from surgery, injury, or dealing with chronic conditions. 


These exercises are designed to improve strength, flexibility, balance, and overall mobility. The well-being and safety of your beloved pets are of utmost importance to us. We are committed to ensuring that we never ask them to exceed their physical limits or endure any unnecessary stress.

A set of cones arranged in a pattern through which the animal is guided to weave through



From arthritis to neurological problems, the benefits of the cavaletti poles include the improving proprioception and coordination of the limbs, and minimizing the stiffness of joints in your pet. This form of exercise involves the use of raised poles or obstacles that your pet is guided to walk or step over in a controlled manner. 


Rehabilitation with unstable surfaces involves incorporating surfaces that are not stable or firm into an animal's rehabilitation program. This can include various tools and equipment designed to challenge and engage the animal's balance and stability.


Serving a similar purpose to human treadmills, the treadmill is adapted for the unique needs and anatomical considerations of animals. It is known to significantly benefit pets with mobility challenges. 


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